Fly zone
Flying and landing in the airport zone is strictly forbidden!
Before every take-off notify the airport by sending an SMS to: +386 51 661 003.


MSL: 1717m
Wind: SE-SW
GPS: N 46°21’14.55” / E 13°29’19.99”
PDF: Map and info
Access to the launch possible via Kanin cable-car.
Closest landing in the valley: Bovec – Breg.
Airspace: 2900 m MSL. Respect the airport zone!

MSL: 1070 m
Wind: S-SW
GPS: N 46°20.99′ / E 13°31.19′
PDF: Map and info
You can access the launch by hiking from the valley or by hiking from the B station of Kanin cable car.
Closest landing in the valley: Bovec – Breg.
Airspace: 2900 m MSL. Respect the airport zone!
Mangrt saddle

MSL: 1990 m
GPS: N 46°26.00′ / E 13°38.43′
PDF: Map and info
Access to the launch via regional road Log pod Mangrtom – Predel. During the main season, you have to pay ecological tax for the road to the top of the saddle.
WARNING: Possibility of very strong wind lower in the valley! As the landing is located on private land, we kindly ask you to pack your equipment next to the road and not in the middle of the field. THANK YOU!
Airspace: 2900 m MSL.
Landing Bovec – BREG

MSL: 430 m
GPS: N 46°34.07′ / E 13°56.880′
PDF: Map and info
WARNING: Possibility of strong valley winds. Respect the airport zone.
Pristanek Log pod Mangrtom

MSL: 630 m
GPS: N 46°24.23′ / E 13°36.03′
PDF: Map and info
WARNING: Possibility of very strong wind lower in the valley! As the landing is located on private land, we kindly ask you to pack your equipment next to the road and not in the middle of the field. THANK YOU!